How to choose and buy ceramic tiles

There are many types of tiles on the market, and the quality is uneven. How to choose a good tile? Is there anything else I need to pay attention to when laying a tile after choosing a good tile? What is the difference between fully polished glazed bricks and other bricks? Is it possible to choose tiles at will regardless of space use? When you are surrounded by so many questions, it is better to take a good look at this article. The editor has compiled 4 articles on ceramic tile purchase and tile paving to answer most of your questions about ceramic tiles.

Tile Selection Guide: Six Steps to Spike Low Quality Tiles

Tiles are the top three items in the cost of decoration materials, and its quality is even more difficult to judge. The fat editor integrated the information consulted during the renovation some time ago, and compiled this 6-step graphic to identify the inferior ceramic tiles. I hope it will be useful to everyone.

How to choose the difference between ceramic tiles and other tiles

As a high-end building material, almost no one in the home improvement building materials market knows all polished glazed tiles. It represents an elegant and stylish decoration art and is warmly sought after by high-end users. Is this high-end tile product suitable for ordinary home decoration? What are its advantages and disadvantages? What is the difference between fully polished glazed tiles and other types of tiles? How to buy, lay and maintain full polished glazed tiles? The editors of this website come together for everyone.

How to buy ceramic tiles? See how to buy tiles

Ceramic tiles are a building material product that every decorated family will definitely buy. How to choose ceramic tiles is an issue that must be considered by ceramic tiles. Before you understand how to buy ceramic tiles, you must first know the classification of ceramic tiles. Ceramic tiles are divided into five categories: polished tiles, glazed tiles, full-body tiles, vitrified tiles, and mosaics. Although the types are different, there is not much difference between purchase and maintenance. Let's take a look at how to buy tiles!

Novice decoration must see the most common problems of tile laying

For novice decorators, you need to study the selection of tiles and the method of laying, because there will always be problems when laying tiles during the decoration process, such as whether to leave gaps when laying, and they will fall off soon after laying. Etc. These problems directly affect the success or failure of the decoration. The common problems in the selection and laying of 12 tiles hope to be helpful to everyone.

Tiles are the top three items in the cost of decoration materials, and its quality is even more difficult to judge. The fat editor integrated the information consulted during the renovation some time ago, and compiled this 6-step graphic to identify the inferior ceramic tiles. I hope it will be useful to everyone.

The first step: pouring water

The water absorption rate reflects the density of the tiles, and indirectly reflects the hardness of the tiles, but one thing to note is that the tiles are not as low as possible. The water absorption test here is a test for tiles in the living room, bedroom, aisle, etc., first pour water on both sides of the tile, carefully observe the water penetration, if you buy polished tiles, the water immediately Was sucked in, congratulations, you have encountered inferior polished tiles. Generally speaking, the slower the water absorption, the greater the density of the tile; otherwise, the faster the water absorption, the sparse density, the former is better in its inner quality.

In addition, observing its hardness, the ceramic tile is top grade with good hardness, strong toughness and not easy to break. Scratches each other at the edges and corners of the tiles to see whether the broken fragments are fine or loose, hard, brittle or soft, leaving scratches or scattered powder, if the former is the top grade, the latter is the quality difference.

Step 2: Pay attention to the surface smoothness

After the tile surface is paved, there are uneven conditions. There are two aspects. One is that the master of the decoration is not at home; the second is the quality of the tile itself. When the tiles have not been laid, it is recommended that you first look at the flatness of the surface of the tiles and confirm that they are correct, and then call the decoration master to start the construction. This can not only avoid the aesthetic problems caused by the problems of the tiles, but also avoid the masters ’ The problem shirks to the tile problem. The color and luster of the tiles should be uniform, the surface finish and flatness should be better, the surroundings are regular, and the pattern is complete. Take out four or five pieces from a box to see if there are defects such as color difference, deformation, lack of edges and corners.

Step 3: Measurement

The purpose of the straightness test of the corners of the tiles is to see if the tiles are laid neatly and the gaps are the same size. At this time, we picked up a few tiles and laid them on the flat ground, and carefully observed whether the gaps between the tiles and the tiles were consistent, and whether the corners of the tiles could be pieced together without much rejection. If the straightness of the corners is not regular, the tiles must be uneven. This will affect the overall paving effect. Please pay attention. The higher the accuracy of the side length of the ceramic tile, the better the effect after paving. Buying high-quality ceramic tiles is not only easy to construct, but also saves man-hours and auxiliary materials. Use a tape measure to measure whether there is any difference in the size of each tile, and the one with the highest accuracy is the top grade. Whether the size is standard is the key to judging the quality of the tile. Use a tape measure or caliper to measure whether the size and thickness of the diagonal and four sides of the tile are uniform.

Step 4: Get smudged and see

This step mainly investigates the stain resistance of ceramic tiles. It is important to know that ceramic tiles will accompany us for a long time. If it is dirty and not easy to clean, it is estimated that in less than three or four years, even if you do n’t want to stay in a dirty home, you ca n’t wait to lift these tiles up again. In fact, it is very simple to do this anti-fouling test. Just write the word "Go here" on the surface of the tile. Wait a while for the ink to dry, and see if it is easy to wash off. If there is ink left, I suggest you to use another Choose a good one.

Step 5: Scrape as much as you like! scratch! scratch!

Today's ceramic tiles have undergone a series of innovations in wear resistance. Whether it is polished tiles, microcrystalline stones, fully polished glazes, antique bricks, etc., there is a qualitative leap. Just pick up the sharp knife in your hand and scrape to the surface of the tile to see if it will scrape off the glaze layer on the surface of the tile. If even such a small scratch can't bear it, it can be concluded that this tile is not A good partner who can accompany us for a long time.

Step 6: Listen to the sound

Lightly tap with a hard object, the crisper the sound, the higher the degree of porcelainization and the better the quality. You can also hang the corner of the tile with your left thumb, index finger and middle finger, and hang down easily. Use your right index finger to tap the middle and lower part of the tile. If the sound is clear and pleasant, it is the top grade. Good tiles, the sound is brittle, indicating a high content of porcelain. It shows that there are cracks in the brick. (Source: Kujiale)

From August 1st to 24th, Marco Polo Ceramics Ten Shops Tonghui:

As a high-end building material, almost no one in the home improvement building materials market knows all polished glazed tiles. It represents an elegant and stylish decoration art and is warmly sought after by high-end users. Is this high-end tile product suitable for ordinary home decoration? What are its advantages and disadvantages? What is the difference between fully polished glazed tiles and other types of tiles? How to buy, lay and maintain full polished glazed tiles? The editors of are here for everyone.

Fully polished glazed tiles-Basics

Fully polished glazed tiles are different from ordinary polished tiles. The glaze on the surface is a special crystal wear-resistant glaze. After high-temperature sintering, the molecules are completely sealed and there are almost no gaps. It is more bright, and the decoration makes the house more bright and magnificent.

Application range of fully polished glazed tiles: living room, bedroom, study, ground, bathroom; or lobby floor, wall, column, elevator room, aisle inside the hotel; dry hanging wall of the Grade A office building, reception desk All polished glazed tiles such as the image wall and the elevator lobby wall floor can be easily handled.

Full polished glazed ceramic tile specifications: The general specifications of fully glazed polished tiles are: 250 × 300mm, 300 × 300mm, 300 × 400mm, 300 × 450mm, 300 × 500mm, 300 × 600mm, 400 × 400mm, 500 × 500mm, 600 × 600mm 600x900 1000x1000mm, etc., the thickness is about 10mm.

Fully polished glazed tile process : Fully polished glaze is underglaze color, fully polished glazed tile belongs to glazed tile. The blank body process is similar to the general glazed floor tiles, the main difference is that it is printed after the bottom glaze is applied, and then a transparent layer of glaze is applied. After firing, the whole glaze is thrown away and a part is retained. Partial glaze layer, printing layer, bottom glaze.

The advantages and disadvantages of fully polished glazed tiles : the advantages of fully polished glazed tiles: richer colors, bright colors, diverse patterns and natural textures. The service life is long, the transparent glazed surface of the fired fully polished glazed tile is relatively thick, and it is not easy to wear, so its service life is 3 times that of the general fine powder brick. Disadvantages of fully polished glazed tiles: Because the surface is relatively smooth, the anti-slip property is not high in the home.

Fully polished glazed tiles-comparison

The difference between fully polished glaze and polished tiles? The difference between fully polished glaze and vitrified brick? What is the difference between fully polished glazed tiles and microcrystalline stone? Various ceramic tiles seem to be very entangled by consumers. Despite the appearance of the concept, the actual difference between them is confusing and makes people unable to make decisions when buying.

Fully polished glazed PK polished tiles

Full cast Glaze

Color difference: the color of the full polished glaze is completely unlimited, and the red, black, yellow, blue, blue and purple are completely ok

Line difference: Fully polished glaze can achieve fine lines like needlework;

The difference between bricks: there is only a very thin layer of color on the brick surface;

Difference in size: 300 * 300 small floor tiles are generally glazed tiles;

Use difference: the ground, wall, countertop, cylinder, etc. are all easy to handle.

Polished tiles

Color difference: the color of the polished tiles is relatively single, and the difference between the colors will not be too strong;

Texture difference: The texture of the polished tiles cannot be made very small;

The difference between the bricks: the polished tiles penetrate the color into the brick body;

Difference in size: Polished tiles are generally 600, 800 floor tiles;

Use difference: Except for toilets and kitchens, most indoor spaces can be used.

From August 1st to 24th, Marco Polo Ceramics Ten Shops Tonghui:

Fully polished glazed PK vitrified brick

Full cast Glaze

Hardness: The porcelain content of the glazed brick is low, and the hardness and wear resistance are relatively weaker than the vitrified brick;

Water absorption rate: higher than 0.5%;

Anti-fouling and anti-skid: anti-fouling and anti-skid properties are better than vitrified bricks;

Uses: The kitchen should use bright glazed tiles, not matt glazed tiles, but also suitable for toilets, balconies, etc.

Vitrified brick

Hardness: Vitrified tiles are full ceramic tiles, high hardness and very wear-resistant;

Water absorption rate: less than 0.5%;

Anti-fouling and anti-skid: It is best to apply wax before use to improve anti-fouling performance, and the anti-skid performance is slightly weaker than glazed tiles

Uses: Vitrified brick is suitable for living room, bedroom, aisle, etc.

Fully polished glazed PK microcrystalline stone

Full cast Glaze

Process: Fully polished glaze is fired twice by the base embryo and the surface glaze layer, and the base embryo is calcined at a high temperature of 1250 degrees;

Uses: It is suitable for high-end places, at the same time, it can also be accepted in ordinary home living space, and the maintenance cost is low.

Wear-resistant and anti-fouling: Fully polished glazed brick glaze layer is more wear-resistant and more anti-fouling than microcrystalline stone.

Ceramic stone

Process: The microcrystalline stone glaze layer is a low-temperature glaze, only 1100 degrees, the composite microcrystalline stone is added a layer of glass frit on its surface, the cost is higher;

Uses: Most of them are only used for wall mounting, it is not easy to lay the ground, and the daily maintenance cost is high;

Wear-resistant and anti-fouling: the microcrystalline stone has a thick glaze layer and poor wear resistance;

Fully polished glazed tiles-purchase

The completely polished glazed bricks create a magnificent decoration effect, gorgeous and realistic patterns, and the delicate and bright texture give the full polished glaze a luxurious and elegant style. So how do you choose fully polished glazed tiles?

1 Serious identification

The most prominent feature of the full polished glaze is that it is smooth and translucent, with a single gloss value as high as 104 degrees, the glaze is delicate and smooth, the colors are thick or gorgeous, and the patterns are delicate and colorful. When discriminating, you should carefully look at the overall light sense and feel the texture with your hands.

2 Quality is important

Fully polished glazed tiles also need to measure the water absorption rate, listen to the sound of knocking, scrape the brick surface, look at the color difference, etc., the method is basically the same. If you think the price is cheap, you can't do it. When you shop around, you should pay more attention to the quality of the glazed products.

3 choose the right style

Fully polished glazed tiles combine smooth and translucent polished tiles with antique tiles, and have a rich range of styles, such as Western European style, classical and elegant style, original characteristic style, classic fashion style and so on. Colors and patterns are the most important factors in the design of fully polished glazed tiles.

4 Purchase quantity

For example, if your paving area is 45 square meters, you need 45 square meters ÷ single chip area = number of pieces. We recommend that you buy more pieces and buy them in a whole box to prevent construction and handling losses.

Fully polished glazed tiles-maintenance articles

Many people buy high-polished glazed tiles at a high price, but they look at their tiles getting dirty and can't see the original gloss. The most important thing to note about fully-polished glazed tiles is that they will be matte for a long time, so they say maintenance We need to focus on this aspect.

1. Tea stains, fruit stains, coffee, soy vinegar, leather shoe prints and other stains can use sodium hypochlorite diluent (bleach), soak it for 20-30 minutes when using it and wipe it off with a cloth; some stains that have penetrated into the brick for a long time , Soaking time takes several hours;

2. Mold spots formed by mildew of ink and anti-fouling wax, use sodium hypochlorite diluent (bleach). When using it, just apply bleach to the stain and soak it for a few minutes to wipe it off;

3. Use hydrochloric acid or phosphoric acid solution for cement, scale, rust, and rust spots, just rub it a few times;

4. Use alkaline cleaners or organic solvents (5 ketones, triethylene) for paint, oil stains, oil-based markers, and anti-fouling wax layers on the surface to remove paint and oil stains;

5. Usage of rubber hammer print decontamination: first soak in 20% -40% sodium hydroxide solution for twenty-four hours, wipe with a cloth, and then soak in 30% -50% hydrochloric acid solution for thirty minutes Cloth cleaning

6. If stains caused by ice cream can be cleaned with alkaline detergent;

7. If you accidentally cause limescale stains during the decoration, you can use acidic detergent to clean.

From August 1st to 24th, Marco Polo Ceramics Ten Shops Tonghui:

Ceramic tiles are a building material product that every decorated family will definitely buy. How to choose ceramic tiles is an issue that must be considered by ceramic tiles. Before you understand how to buy ceramic tiles, you must first know the classification of ceramic tiles. Ceramic tiles are divided into five categories: polished tiles, glazed tiles, full-body tiles, vitrified tiles, and mosaics. Although the types are different, there is not much difference between purchase and maintenance. Let's take a look at how to buy tiles!

From August 1st to 24th, Marco Polo Ceramics Ten Shops Tonghui:

1. Types of tiles

Ceramic tiles are divided into five categories: polished tiles, glazed tiles, full-body tiles, vitrified tiles and mosaics.

Second, the purchase of ceramic tiles

1. Look: Look at the appearance, the color of the tiles should be uniform, the surface finish and flatness should be good, the surrounding rules are regular, and the patterns are complete.

Excellent product: at least 95% of the brick body, no defects on the surface observed vertically from 0.8m away.

Qualified products: At least 95% of the bricks are observed vertically from a distance of 1m.

2. Listen: sound, tap lightly with a hard object. The crisper the sound, the higher the magnetization and the better the quality. You can also clip the corner of the tile with your left thumb, index finger and middle finger, and hang down easily. Tap the middle and lower part of the tile with your right index finger. If the sound is clear and pleasing, the sound is dull and the sound is dull.

3. Measurement: The higher the accuracy of the side length of the ceramic tile, the better the effect after paving. Buying high-quality ceramic tiles is not only easy to construct, but also saves working hours and auxiliary materials.

4. Dropping: The water drops are on the back of the tile. See how fast the water will infiltrate after the water has spread out. The slow absorption of water means that the density of the tile is greater, otherwise the density is sparse. Generally speaking, the lower the water absorption rate, the better the product quality.

From August 1st to 24th, Marco Polo Ceramics Ten Shops Tonghui:

3. Construction of ceramic tiles

1. The laying process and skills of ceramic tiles

Before laying tiles, we must first clean up all kinds of dirt on the tiles, water and moisten one day in advance, cracks or unevenness of the wall should be leveled before mounting. The flatness should be controlled during the construction and checked with a ruler at any time. Before tiling, the tiles need to be soaked in clean water for half an hour, subject to the brick body not bubbling, and then taken out and dried to be used.

There are two kinds of paving methods: dry paving and wet paving. Dry paving is cement and sand, which are not completely mixed with water, and only part of the water is added. Wet paving is cement and sand, which are completely mixed and mixed into a slurry to spread. More toilets can be used for wet shop, the living room can be used for dry shop.

The paving of wall tiles is generally wet paving. When paving, apply from the bottom up, leave the bottom of the road and do not affix the floor tiles, and then collect the mortar. The mortar should be full. In the case of pipelines and switches, the whole brick sleeve must be used for cutting and matching, and it is forbidden to use non-whole bricks to patch together. The entire room or independent parts can be installed in one time. If they cannot be completed, they should be stubble outside the construction joints or inside corners.

2. Auxiliary materials needed for ceramic tile laying

Auxiliary materials such as crosses, cotton yarns, and caulk are generally used when laying tiles, which can make the tiles more neat, clean and beautiful.

3. Matters needing attention in ceramic tile shop

a. Before paving, please check whether the product model and color number shown in the package are uniform. If you find that they are not uniform, please contact the after-sales department as soon as possible.

b. The loss rate will be calculated when buying ceramic tiles. Buy more appropriately to avoid the second replenishment.

c. Regarding waterproofing and places with plenty of water in the bathroom, it should be higher than the ground.

d. When the hollow drum is produced, remove the ceramic tiles, scoop up the original mortar, and repair it with cement mortar that adds 3% of the total volume of qualified glue.

e. After the paving is completed, the cement stains remaining on the bricks should be wiped off in time. The paved ground needs to be cured for 4-5 days to prevent local unevenness caused by external forces.

Fourth, the maintenance knowledge of ceramic tiles

1. Tea stains, fruit stains, coffee, sauce vinegar, leather shoe prints and other stains use a hypochlorous acid solution (bleach), soak for 20-30 minutes when using and wipe them off with a cloth; For stains, the soaking time takes a few hours.

2. The mildew spots formed by the mildew of ink and anti-fouling wax are diluted with sodium hypochlorite (bleach). When using it, just apply bleach to the stain and soak it for a few minutes to wipe it off.

3. Cement, scale, rust, and rust spots are treated with hydrochloric acid or phosphoric acid solution, and can be rubbed several times.

4. Use alkaline cleaners or organic solvents (acetone, triethylene) for paint, oil stains, oil-based markers, and surface anti-fouling wax layers to remove paint and oil stains.

5. Usage of rubber hammer mark decontamination: first soak in 20% -40% sodium hydroxide (NAOH) solution for 24 hours, wipe with a cloth, and then use 30% -50% hydrochloric acid (HCL) solution Wipe clean with cloth after soaking for 30 minutes.

6. Use alkaline cleaning agent for ice cream.

7. Use acidic cleaning agent for lime scale.

1) Wear plastic gloves when using the above decontaminants

2) After removing the stain, scrub the brick surface with water

3) There are the latest decontamination cleaning agents in the market or supermarket, please refer to the above decontamination range and method

From August 1st to 24th, Marco Polo Ceramics Ten Shops Tonghui:

For novice decorators, you need to study the selection of tiles and the method of laying, because there will always be problems when laying tiles during the decoration process, such as whether to leave gaps when laying, and they will fall off soon after laying. These problems have a direct impact on the success or failure of the decoration. Today's editor summarizes the common problems in the selection and laying of 12 ceramic tiles. I hope it can help everyone's decoration.

Q1 How to do tile budget?

A: This is based on the needs and budget of each family. Generally speaking, high-end options are more than 200 yuan per square (mostly high-end series of foreign brands and domestic first-line brands); mid-range options are priced at 100-200 yuan per square; economic choices are 60-100 yuan per square meter (domestic second-tier brands) Relatively cheap series). Take a 4-level bathroom as an example (4 square floors and approximately 15 flat walls), the mid-range configuration is around 2500-4000 yuan.

Q2 There are many words about ceramic tiles. What are the main types of ceramic tiles?

A: To put it simply, the most common ones are glazed tiles and vitrified tiles. (The water absorption rate is higher than 0.5% is glazed tile, and the less than 0.5% is vitrified tile.) Glazed tile has low porcelain content, but the surface is sprayed Enamel, so beautiful and good anti-fouling; mainly used in kitchen and bathroom wall ground. The vitrified brick is a full ceramic tile with high hardness and wear resistance. It is not prone to surface damage and stable performance after long-term use. It is mainly used in the living room floor and bathroom wall. Because the requirements of material, performance and technology of vitrified bricks are much higher than glazed bricks, the price is generally more expensive than glazed bricks. There is also a kind of retro bricks, mostly glazed bricks. The surface texture treatment is more excellent and beautiful. From the perspective of materials, it has a higher degree of vitrification than ordinary glazed bricks.

Q3What are the characteristics of glazed bricks and vitrified bricks, which one is more non-slip, more beautiful and easy to clean?

A: Glazed tiles are more diverse in terms of color effect, anti-fouling and anti-skid, but the wear resistance is worse than vitrified bricks, the surface may wear out after long-term use; vitrified bricks have a higher degree of porcelainization, and the surface is hard and wear-resistant Stable performance and good cleaning (better waxing before use to improve antifouling)! The anti-skid performance of vitrified bricks is slightly weaker than glazed bricks. When choosing, pay attention to test its anti-skid performance. Pour the water on the tiled tiles to test.

Q4 How to choose wall and floor tiles in the bathroom? Use glazed tiles or vitrified tiles? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Matt is good and bright?

A: At present, the bricks used in the bathroom are mostly glazed tiles (mainly considering the cost performance, high-end ones can use vitrified tiles, pay attention to choose non-slip floor tiles), which are divided into two types: bright and matte. Bright light makes people feel bright, but the bathroom is more suitable to create a warm feeling, so it is recommended to use matte, soft light and not dazzling.

Q5Which kind of brick is suitable for the kitchen?

A: Most people in the kitchen choose light and bright glazed tiles, which look clean and tidy. Try to choose smooth and uneven surfaces, which is easy to care for and not easy to accumulate dust. The selection of floor tiles should also pay attention to anti-skid, and the specifications should not be too large. Pay attention to the location of the floor drain.

Q6 Is matte tiles easy to get dirty and not easy to clean?

A: The glaze of tiles can be divided into bright and matt. The two only have different reactions to light, but the bricks of the same brand and the same material, regardless of matt and bright, have the same antifouling effect. In addition, the glaze itself does not absorb oil, so the oil will not penetrate the brick. Here! Difficult to clean is not related to whether it is matte or not, whether it has concave and convex patterns on the surface, it is easy to accumulate dust and dirt in the depressions, so it is recommended that if you want to use matt in the kitchen, try to use a smooth surface to facilitate care in the future After a good meal, try to wipe the surface of the tiles with a rag.

Q7 How do tiles look good or bad?

A: It can be seen from the following aspects,

Measuring the diagonal, the same size is the minimum;

The two bricks are stacked face to face, touching the edges with your hands. If it is smooth, it means that the size is the same. If there is a clear sense of jerky, it means that the size error of the tile is relatively large;

Percussion to listen to the sound, the sound is clear and crisp, the sound is turbid, indicating that the porcelain is poor and the texture is relatively crisp, this is more difficult to compare in the same brand, but try a few more to be able to hear the difference behind the drip test, Note that the water absorption behind the glazed brick is normal, but the faster the penetration, the looser the texture, and the stronger the quality, the better; the water penetration behind the vitrified brick should be slow or even impervious; the fast penetration of the vitrified brick does not need to be considered;

Bricks of the same size and size, the heavier the better, the reason is simple, the denser the brick texture is;

If you choose vitrified tiles, you can use the key to make a scratch on the sample. If there are no scratches, it means that the quality is good. Pay attention to the secret test of this article. Only those who have confidence in their tiles will let you test at will;

Note that it is difficult to compare the quality of only one tile. If you take two different grades, it will be easy to find the gap.

Q8 Is the floor tile good? Is it A-level?

A: Each manufacturer has its own labeling method. Now it is more confusing to use A grade or letters AA and AAA. The market or the country recognizes that it is still based on the first-class and first-class products. Generally, ordinary home decoration uses superior products, and a few first-class products. The difference between excellent and qualified is mainly reflected in the difference in appearance quality and deformation allowable range, such as surface spots and pinholes.

Q9 Should I soak the tiles before laying? How long?

A: Glazed wall tiles need to be soaked in water before laying (floor tiles are generally not needed). The time for soaking is based on the time when the tiles are completely immersed in the water without bubbles. Generally speaking, it is 20-30 minutes. The instruction manual of the tiles to operate. Since the wall tiles have a high water absorption rate, if they are pasted without being immersed in water, the water in the cement layer will be quickly absorbed and solidified by the dry tiles, and the tiles will not stick well. Absorb water, soaking or not is not relevant; the foam bricks should also be planned, and cannot be soaked too much at a time, because the foamed tiles cannot be returned;

Q10 Is it okay to lay tiles without leaving seams? It's too difficult to clean up! Is the seamless brick paved to be seamless?

A: All the tiles need to be seamed, mainly to prevent the tiles from cracking due to thermal expansion and contraction, reducing the service life of the tiles. For ordinary wall and floor tiles, it is enough to leave a gap of 1-3mm, and the special effect can increase the distance of the gap.

Even for seamless bricks, it is necessary to leave seams (not less than 1mm), because objects will have thermal expansion and contraction, and there must be enough seams to prevent the bricks from expanding and being squeezed in the future, so paving bricks is like railway tracks. All segments need to be left gaps, even for seamless tiles!

Q11 still need waxing? Is it necessary? What are the benefits?

A: Check whether the vitrified brick has been waxed before laying (most of the brand tiles have been waxed), if not, it needs to be waxed after laying (ordinary floor wax is enough), waxed The function is to block the capillary holes of the vitrified brick and improve the antifouling performance. After the paving of vitrified tiles is completed, the wax layer on the surface can be polished off with sawdust, which can increase the brightness of the surface of vitrified tiles!

Q12 When is the seam filler applied? Some people say that you can fill the gap after laying the bricks?

A: The caulk is generally available 24 hours after the tiles are laid. The joints should not be prematurely, so as not to loosen the newly-laid tiles and easily fall off.

(Source: Kujiale)

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