Remove creases in your photos

A crease can damage (or sometimes improve) a printed photo that is often irreplaceable. However, research from HP Labs is expected to reduce such issues in the future.

Hewlett-Packard scientists have developed a technology that uses standard, unmodified flatbed scanners to find creases in photos. Once the photo is correctly scanned into the computer, the software can determine where the defect in the photo is, and then artificially correct it to remove any creases or fold marks.

On the surface, this technique seems relatively simple. Most flatbed scanners use two separate light bulbs to accurately capture all colors on a photo. You can capture the same photo by controlling these two slightly different images that are independent of each other (the light bulb moves in different directions under the photo). Thus, basic three-dimensional information can be generated.

As defects — such as creases — are identified, the software can completely cover them artificially. This is called "filling", and each pixel in the scanned crease is replaced with a new pixel, which is taken very close to the crease. The software ensures that the two pixels are similar to avoid a huge red dot in the middle of a green pixel.

In this way, a creased photo can be scanned into a JPEG file without stains, and for the user, no modified hardware and expertise are required.

Using existing (HP) scanners, the technology has proven to be feasible in the laboratory, but researchers have immediately pointed out the shortcomings of the technology. Any defects close to the glass on the flat surface will not be found. The two bulbs in the scanner must be the same, and the software has problems with the treatment of large creases or tears.

So far, no commercial application of the technology has been announced, but interested parties can read detailed technical documents.

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