What is the advantage of stainless steel air shower?

The stainless steel air shower room is made of high quality USU304 stainless steel. It is durable and suitable for damp environment. It will not rust. Especially in food processing workshops and environmental wet workshops, it is best to choose 304 stainless steel air shower room. The appearance is not only beautiful. And it will not affect the purification effect due to moisture.

Air shower is a kind of clean and purifying equipment, a universal clean and purifying equipment. It is one of the indispensable purification equipments for the food industry, medical and health, electronic production, etc. It is the necessary passage for employees to enter the clean room. It can reduce the pollution problems caused by people entering and leaving the clean room. The two doors of the air shower chamber are electronically interlocked, which can also function as an air lock chamber to prevent unpurified air from entering the clean room. The high-tech intelligent voice air shower room produced by the company has a voice prompt system, and the person is blowing. The automatic voice system prompts people to complete the entire blowing and dust removal process in an orderly manner. The humanized voice prompt gives a kind of intimate feeling and achieves an effective purification effect. The clean air flow filtered by the high efficiency filter is rotated by the rotatable nozzle. Sprayed into the human body in all directions, effectively and quickly remove dust particles, and the removed dust particles are filtered by the primary and high-efficiency filters and then recirculated to the air shower area.


Suizhou meters simi intelligent technology development co., LTD , https://www.msmsmart.com

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